Sonntag, 16. September 2012

Koh Chang Jungle Trekking - 13.09.2012

On september 13th we went on a small trekking tour trough the nationalpark on koh chung island. We paid 800 bath for this trekking tour but it was completely worth the money. early in the morning this day our guide picked us up at our hotel/hostel. After that we drove to the south of the island to an entry-point to the jungle. On our way to the south we stopped at the road because there where monkeys in the woods. We then called them by saying "u u" and then they all came. after that we fed them with bananas. That was fun.

Then we entered the jungle . On our way through the jungle we stopped at 2 waterfalls. a big and a smaller one. In the big waterfall we were allowed to swim. We stayed at this bigger waterfall for about an hour and then returned to our car.

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